#10 Kartik Sreenivasan, Ph.D – The newest research on neuroscience and how you can use that in your life

career & education love & relationship performance personal development Nov 27, 2018

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 Kartik Sreenivasan is an expert in psychology and neuroscience. He has a Bachelor in Psychology from Yale University and Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Pennsylvania. He has been a Research Assistant at Yale University, guest lecture at the University of Pennsylvania, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, and now works as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at New York University Abu Dhabi. Kartik shares insight from the newest research on neuroscience and how you can use that in your life.

Show notes:

1.07: Kartiks way into psychology and neuroscience

2.04: What neuroscience is

2.46: Difference between short term and long term memory

5.13: Executive function and short term memory

6.50: How much data you can keep in your mind

8.02: How to remember more things

9.04: The memory palace technique

12.08: The connection between the microbiome and brain  

16.26: How to use the new knowledge about the brain

17.52: How our view of the view is very limited

20.10: How our long term memories are distorted

21.30: The problem with eyewitness testimony

22.02: How we can manipulate memories

23.04: Why it is a good thing we can change our memories

25.36: New research on consciousness

34.01: The importance of being social for your brain health


Final recommendations from Kartik:

  • Find something you do that gets you so excited you can get other people excited about it.
  • When you start to feel really comfortable professionally it is time to move on to keep challenging yourself   


Links to Kartik:


Twitter: @sreenivasanlab

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