#11: Dr. Imran Rashid – How to live in a highly digital polluted world and get the most out of technology

career & education family friends & social life fun & recreation health & fitness love & relationship performance podcast Dec 04, 2018

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 Imran Rashid is a medical doctor with a specialization in Family Medicine. He is also an IT entrepreneur. And bestselling author now out with the new book “Offline”. He is currently one of the most sought after speakers in Denmark when it comes to healthy use of technology. Imran shares how to stay away from digital pollution and get the most out of technology.


Show notes:

1.06: How Imran went from being a Medical Doctor to an IT entrepreneur

3.45: Being pro-technology and pro-human

6.05: What you do when your young daughter asks to get a smartphone

8.05: Is social media good or bad for you?

11.24: Understanding stress

14.00: How often do you think about your work after you leave work?

14.45: Why screen time is not the right thing to focus on

15.43: Digital pollution

18.03: How our brain is changing with the use of technology

21.02: Exercise you should try at home

27.03: How much screen time the founder of Snapchat allow his kids

28.30: Acknowledging that we have limited control over our brain

30.01: Digital self-defense

31.40: Imran’s background screen on his phone

32.30: How to change behavior

38.01: How Imran gives his kids veto to get his attention

38.30: How Imran's kid got introduced to using a smartphone and how he got smartphone restrictions on his daughter’s school

40.02: Friday apps

42.31: Imran’s rule for posting on social media

45.02: Do the ones you love know or do they feel they are loved

53.01: Why long hugs can make a difference

54.26: The WE hormone and ME hormone


Final recommendations from Imran:

Deep and meaningful relationship is key to happiness


Links to selected resources:





Links to Imran:



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