#112: Patrick L. Kinney - The importance of clean air and what you can do

health & fitness Jun 28, 2022

Is your air clean?


Well, it depends on where you live and your personal environment. Patrick L. Kinney is here to shed some light on the topic.


Patrick joined the School of Public Health faculty in January 2017 as the inaugural Beverly Brown Professor of Urban Health. He was trained as an air pollution epidemiologist at Harvard School of Public Health, and went to Boston University after two decades at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. In his time at Columbia, he showed how warming temperatures make air pollution like urban smog worse, and more harmful to populations. He led the development of an integrated modeling system to predict the air pollution health effects of climate change into the future. Working at the intersection of climate change, health, and policy, Kinney has conducted research from the South Bronx to China to rapidly growing cities throughout Africa.


In this episode, we discuss:

👉 Patrick’s journey

👉 The framework to understanding air pollution

👉 What are ways how we can fight it as a community and individually?

👉 Mold’s effect on air quality

👉 Funding for air pollution studies

👉 Ozone pollution

👉 And so much more…


If you are worried about the air you breathe, then you must listen to this episode. Patrick is a trove of info on the topic.



0:55 How Patrick started focusing on climate change and health

2:58 The framework to understanding air pollution

6:35 What can we do about it?

10:36 What to be cautious about in your personal environment

14:55 Mold and its effect on our air

18:17 Funding for air pollution studies

20:01 Natural ways to cope with air pollution

22:45 Ozone pollution

23:50 What Patrick does to protect his health

27:30 Home appliances to clean your indoor air and how to select a good one

31:12 How Patrick got to where he is in his career

33:49 Patrick’s current research

35:36 Where you can find Patrick L. Kinney

36:18 Patrick’s advice to live a happy, healthy and meaningful life


Connect with Patrick Kinney


Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/patrick-kinney-5bb167109/ 



University Profile: https://www.bu.edu/sph/profile/patrick-kinney/

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