#15: Jeppe Skovgaard – Get out of your head and start feeling yourself again

friends & social life fun & recreation health & fitness love & relationship podcast Jan 01, 2019

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 Jeppe Skovgaard is a movement expert. He was part of bringing parkour to Denmark and later Akroyoga. He has been teaching movement around the world and has now started his own movement studio in Copenhagen. Jeppe shares his story of going deep into different movement forms and how to get out of your head so you can start to feel yourself again.


Show notes:

2.17: How Jeppe got into movement

4.00: Crawling with the founders of Parkour and getting the nickname “Hulk”

5.45: Fainting after training

5.50: Getting into yoga

7.30: Getting into Acroyoga and teaching around the world

9.45: Starting Rört and why the word movement is important

12.14: Why it is a problem that we are not touched as much today

13.45: How stress is taking us out of the body and into the mind and why that is a problem

15.10: What Jeppe think is the best form of movement  

18.40: Why Jeppe has started getting into dancing and what dance can do for you

20.03: Doing the movement that you actually do

21.30: Why it can be a challenge to have your personality tied up to one form of movement

23.45: Is it meaningless to be flexible?

27.04: How to get started with movement and how much you have to move

28.00: Mindfulness exercise

30.00: Getting into a shitstorm after being on national television

33.45: The power of a squat

35.30: Squatting when pooping

38.02: Jeppes routines

42.00: The importance of community  


Final recommendations from Jeppe:

Choose a practice. Commit to a practice.


Links to selected resources:



Links to Jeppe:



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