#18: Dan Brulé – breathing for self-healing and top performance

health & fitness love & relationship performance personal development podcast Jan 22, 2019

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 Dan has personally trained more than 150,000 people in over 60 countries to use breath and breathing for self-improvement, self-healing, and spiritual awakening. He has trained Olympic athletes, elite warriors, and martial artists. He coaches leading medical experts, corporate executives, and peak performers including Tony Robbins. He is the author of several books including “Just Breathe: Master Breathwork for Success in Life, Love, Business and Beyond.” He shares some of his wisdom about breathing and concrete techniques in this episode.


Show notes:

3.02: What the best way to breath is

4.10: Working with Tony Robbins

5.20: What Breathwork help with

7.02: Why awareness is so important

10.00: Different breath techniques and how to get rid of the pain

12.15: Triangle breathing

13.40: Letting go through breathing

15.20: 70% of toxins are released through the breath

17.40: Breathing into different parts of the body

22.00: Science and medicine is catching up on old wisdom

23.02: Group flow might be the next thing western science will catch up on

25.20: Circle breathing

27.10: How to breathe in the morning “sniff and poo”


Recommendation from Dan:

Become conscious of your breath


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