#22: Jacob Strachotta – How to Use Hypnotherapy to Increase Performance or Overcome Stress, Sleep Issues, Traumas, and Other Challenges
Feb 27, 2019Listen to it on your favorite podcast provider:
Jacob Strachotta, is the Founder & CEO of HelloMind and Founder of The Institute for Advanced Hypnosis in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jacob Strachotta has worked with hypnosis and hypnotherapy for more than 25 years. He originally trained as a captain in the Danish Air Force.
In 2000, he founded The Institute for Advanced Hypnosis in Copenhagen, Denmark. Over the years, he has trained more than 650 hypnotists and hypnotherapists. Advanced Hypnosis differs from traditional hypnosis in that it goes straight to the root of the problem, isolating it and then treating it. It is a version of this technique called RDH – Result Driven Hypnosis, that is featured in the HelloMind app.
In this episode, you will learn a lot about what hypnotherapy is and how it can benefit you. He will walk us through what happens into the process of hypnosis and what role the hypnotherapist play during the hypnosis, debunking false beliefs about it. And also learn how meditation and hypnosis are in some manner the same and at the same time very different.
“Meditation is good as well, but Hypnotherapy is better.”
– Jacob Strachotta
Show notes:
01:24 – What is Hypnosis
03:28 – What Hypnosis is not and how does it benefit a person
06:43 – How does hypnosis work
08:03 – How does hypnosis help a person
12:34 – What goes into the process of hypnosis and how long does it take to do it
14:47 – What actually happens during the hypnosis state
15:42 – The hypnotherapist role in hypnosis
18:06 – Advantages of being in a hypnotic stage
21:12 – HelloMind: Meditation|Hypnosis on the App: How good can this get
23:37 – What happens during the sessions, how long is it, and how does it work
28:59 – Is it okay to fall asleep during hypnotherapy
30:11 – Difference between meditation and hypnotherapy
32:33 – A study on eczema and self-hypnosis showed that HelloMind self-hypnosis app helped the person use significantly less hormone cream on a daily basis.
34:42 – Talking about health tech
35:37 – How often should you do hypnotherapy
- Be curious always. It’s a very good skill to have all your life.
- Take quick decisions because you can always do a new one if you need to.
- Remember to love yourself because every person needs that to love other people.
- David Spiegel of Stanford University – Psychiatrist and Hypnotherapist
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
- www.hellomind.com
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