#23: Mette Skjærbæk – Concrete Tips for Natural Health and How to Choose Skin Care Products
Mar 05, 2019Listen to it on your favorite podcast provider:
How do you select a skincare product? I am often quite confused when looking at different products. Which ones are really the ones without all the bad chemicals? I would love to hear how you navigate that jungle?
I was lucky that I got a chance to talk with a real expert on the subject. Mette Skjærbæk who is not just an expert but also extremely warm and pleasant person gave some insight on the subject as well as concrete tips for natural health. For as she says skin products are only one part of the puzzle. Mette’s deep knowledge comes from being the founder and creative director of a pure, natural and active skincare brand from Copenhagen, Karmameju where they work with a top scientist. She was intrigued by natural health at a very young age and took up a Bachelor of Science in Natural Health. She also worked as a model for ten years, starting out when she was just 16 years old.
On today’s episode, Mette shares her near-death experience that changed her life and how she started and builds Karmameju. Mette goes into what she does to stay healthy every day, why she uses sunscreen sparingly and how she prepares her family’s morning smoothie. She also shares, among other things, the relevant questions to ask when choosing the skin care products and how to test it out. Tune in and get Mette’s absolute best health and beauty tips.
“I believe that if you stay open and reach out and meet the world with a sense of kindness and curiosity, so many good things will come to you.”
– Mette Skjærbæk
Show notes:
01:20 – Mette’s background; being a model for 10 years, her turning point, and how she got into natural health
05:26 – What is natural health and Mette’s 3 main focus points
11:35 – Mette’s near-death experience and how her life changed and started Karmameju
14:10 – Growing her company, developing skills, and focusing on skincare
17:38 – How to know whether a product is organic or not and questions to ask when selecting skincare products
23:20 – An important issue on sunscreen products that everyone should know
26:55 – Key factors in choosing a brand to trust, why skincare is important even for men, and what you should do before buying any skincare products
31:00 – Mette’s 80/20% lifestyle – on taking care of the inside of the body, detoxing, oils, and making a balanced diet
39:45 – The smoothie with many names – why Mette started making them and what she puts in it
43:35 – Karmameju’s belief on beauty and skincare, why weeds are good for you plus how Mette prepares her smoothie ingredients
48:58 – All about pH – the importance of maintaining the skin’s pH value and Karmameju’s breakthrough product to help achieve it
56:00 – Why she put proofs like research and study on their website for the consumers to see
1:00:09 – Mette’s key essentials of a happy life
- Hydrate
- Sleep
- Breathe
Environmental Working Group (EWG)
Instagram – Karmameju Skin Care
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