#44: Howard J. Ross – Why All Humans are Unconsciously Biased and How to Bridge the Divide in Our Society
May 19, 2020Listen to it on your favorite podcast provider:
We live in a world driven by bias and stereotypes. Discover how a social justice advocate like Howard Ross defines the complexities of belonging, modern tribalism, and controlling stereotypes.
I had a chance to talk to him about the importance of stereotype filtering, how to gain clarity about our own biases, and how to determine if that is something that helps us or holds us back. Howard explains why he thinks that the “Maslow Needs system is wrong” as it doesn’t account for the unconscious bias. Finally, Howard wraps everything up with a piece of nice and easily applicable advice.
Howard Ross is a lifelong social justice advocate, and is considered one of the world’s seminal thought leaders on unconscious bias. He is a Founding Partner of Cook Ross, Inc., and author of ReInventing Diversity, Everyday Bias, and Our Search for Belonging. He has been published by Harvard Business Review, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Fast Company, Diversity Women, Forbes, Fortune, and others. He appears regularly on National Public Radio. Howard currently serves on the Diversity Advisory Board of the Human Rights Campaign, the board of the Dignity and Respect Campaign, and the National Women’s Mentoring Network. He has collected a ton of awards and accolades for all his work in all these various spectrums.
Show Notes
0:30 Introduction to Howard Ross
0:58 What are Howard’s books all about
4:08 Howard’s perspective on belonging
6:05 The modern challenges on belonging and how to overcome those
7:59 Global citizenship concepts VS National belonging concepts
10:35 What can we do about modern tribalism
17:05 The importance of the individual experience against stereotypes
18:50 What are the most common biases and stereotypes
23:45 How to balance biased information intake
27:25 How to know if your bias is helping you or holding you back
31:30 Gaining clarity about our biases
35:20 How can people get in touch with Howard Ross
Connect with Howard Ross
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/howardjross/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/howardjross
Howard Ross’ books:
Our Search for Belonging https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076665KYV/
Everyday Bias https://www.amazon.com/Everyday-Bias-Identifying-Navigating-Unconscious/dp/1442230835
Reinventing Diversity https://www.amazon.com/Reinventing-Diversity-Transforming-Organizational-Performance/dp/1442210443
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html
Aronson’s Jigsaw Classroom Experiment https://study.com/academy/lesson/aronsons-jigsaw-classroom-experiment-activity-technique-quiz.html
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