#45: Key Takeaways from episodes 5 through 8 on how to be the best version of yourself

friends & social life health & fitness performance personal development podcast May 19, 2020

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 So far, Growth Island has been full of industry insight and awesome storytelling.

In this short episode, I share my favorite lessons I learned from interviewing some of the knowledgeable experts, Martin Kremmer, Martine Kveim, Andy Mant, Michael Auchenberg & Johannes Hoseth.  


My pursuit to constantly learn and try new things drove me to try and implement these lessons into my regular practice. It might sound easy and simple when you listen to it, but trying to find the time and place to actually commit to doing these can be harder than it sounds 🙂 , However, these lessons resonate with me a lot and I had to give em a try and practice those as much as possible. Adding and removing things to our schedules often means that we are moving and improving.


So tune in and see if you can apply those into your life. It’s well worth the 5 minute listen!


Show Notes

0:43 Key Takeaways from the Episode with Martin Kremmer

1:41 Lessons of positive Psychology with Martine Kveim

2:21 Breaking your habits with Michael Auchenberg & Johannes Hoseth

3:11 Sunlight as prevention for sunburns guide by Andy Mant



#5: Martin Kremmer – How to use biohacking to avoid jetlag and burnout https://www.madsfriis.com/blog/5-martin-kremmer-how-to-use-biohacking-to-avoid-jetlag-and-burnout%2F


#6: Martine Kveim – Great Lessons You Can Learn From Positive Psychology https://www.madsfriis.com/blog/6-martine-kveim-great-lessons-you-can-learn-from-positive-psychology%2F


#7: Michael Auchenberg & Johannes Hoseth – 3 simple tricks on how to break habits which are backed by science https://www.madsfriis.com/blog/7-michael-auchenberg-johannes-hoseth-3-simple-tricks-on-how-to-break-habits-which-are-backed-by-science%2F


#8: Andy Mant – Why different types of light might be messing up your health & what to do about it https://www.madsfriis.com/blog/8-andy-mant-why-different-types-of-light-might-be-messing-up-your-health-what-to-do-about-it%2F




You can also watch the video on Youtube


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