#53: Sandy Sembler and John Hall – Secrets for better romantic relationships

friends & social life love & relationship personal development podcast Sep 15, 2020

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 ​Have you ever thought “Why are romantic relationships so difficult?”


I sure have. But then again, I never spend the time studying and intentionally learning what makes a good romantic relationship. In all of the areas of my life that I mastered I followed a simple process: Study it, find good role models and practice 🙂 

With relationships, most of us follow a different model: We grow up with less than ideal role models and unconsciously transfer those patterns to our own relationships while also thinking it should be easy if it is right. Seems kind of natural that so many people are struggling in this area and that the divorce rate is so high 🤷‍♂️


As this area is one of the most important areas in a person’s life I put it on the agenda for the podcast and found two experts on the subject. I got Sandy Sembler and John Hall on the podcast and believe me they are interesting, fun to talk with and have some valuable advice 🙂 


Their credentials are long with both traditional business success and then later studying directly under some of the “relationship masters”. But more importantly, they have worked with a ton of people on finding a relationship or improving one. 

What fascinates me more about them though is their energy, presence, and joy – something I think most of us would love to see more of in ourselves. 


Some of the things you will learn from Sandy and John is this episode is:
– How to love intentionally to find love much faster
– Sandy’s 3-hour intervention with Tony Robbins

– Concrete advice for better dynamics in relationships
– Several concrete reasons why a lot of the people that are successful professionally have challenges with successful relationships.
– What embodiment means in relationships and concrete practice for that  


They also provided a special gift for the listeners with 101 high-quality conversation starters: https://www.sandysembler.com/growthisland


Show Notes

0:30 Introduction to Sandy and John

2:45 Sandy and John’s journey into relationship coaching

7:50 Impact of physical attraction and full body connection

9:08 Reading a book with a life-changing effect

12:15 Where to start learning about relationships

14:54 Differences between man and woman

18:10 How to prevent the spark in a relationship to die down?

22:00 The three levels of a relationship

25:35 Embodiment practice for successful relationships

32:00 Other effective embodiment techniques

36:20 Adjusting criteria for finding true love

39:20 Relationships through online dating

46:30 Building relationships for busy overwhelmed people

49:17 How to compromise in relationships

51:15 Sandy and John’s guidance on being more heartfelt

54:10 John and Sandy Coaching programs

56:20 The final advice on relationships


Connect with John & Sandy

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp4uanwh98rHybldEPwkOyA

Masculine / Feminine Quiz http://sandysembler.com/quiz

Schedule an appointment: http://intro.callwithSandy.com


Connect with Sandy Sembler


Instagram: http://instagram.com/sandysembler

Facebook: http://facebook.com/sandysembler

Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandysembler

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sandysembler


Connect with John Hall 


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnhallcoaching

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnthomashall/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp4uanwh98rHybldEPwkOyA



Tony Robbins https://www.tonyrobbins.com/

The Way of the Superior Man https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NA993PI/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1

Language of Love Quiz https://www.5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/

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