#69: Victor Mifsud - Getting Your Eye Vision Back

health health & fitness podcast Apr 06, 2021

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 What do you do when you are told you are losing your sight?

Victor Mifsud was in this position years ago and has since gone on a journey to save his sight. We talk about his condition, how it relates to other eye challenges, and concrete steps to improve eyesight.  


Victor has recently completed a feature-length documentary called My Neuroplastic Adventure. It shows his journeys from the cutting edge of neuroscience to the most ancient forms of tribal healing. He has interviewed doctors and scientists who are using technology and wisdom in equal measure. He is also the founder of the Vision Optimization Summit.

Show Notes


0:30 Introduction to Victor Mifsud

1:55 Discovering a vision condition

6:20 Other difficulties and challenges in relation to Victor’s vision condition

9:00 What is neuroplasticity

11:30 What is your current eyesight condition?

14:15 What are some of the concrete things that worked for you?

15:30 How is red light helping our eyesight?

19:25 How to consume red light?

22:22 What other things can help people with their vision?

24:35 Exercises to relax your eyes

26:20 Using ketamine for eyesight

30:20 The importance of ancestral health history

31:45 What are peptides?

35:20 What is the Vision Optimization Summit

37:25 Victor’s final advice for living a happy, healthy, and meaningful life

38:00 Where can people find out more about you

Connect with Victor Mifsud


Website: https://visionoptimizationsummit.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blindbiohacker/


Victor’s movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7106284/

Retinitis pigmentosa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinitis_pigmentosa

The Brain That Changes Itself: https://www.amazon.com/Brain-That-Changes-Itself-Frontiers/dp/0143113100

Ketamine Eyesight Study: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02701933

When the Body Says No: https://www.amazon.com/When-Body-Says-Understanding-Stress-Disease/dp/0470923350


Red Light &  Retintits Pigmentosa: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4768515/
Peptides & Retinitis Pigmentosa:

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