#7: Michael Auchenberg & Johannes Hoseth – 3 simple tricks on how to break habits which are backed by science
Nov 06, 2018Listen to it on your favorite podcast provider:
Michael Auchenberg is a health entrepreneur and Human Physiologist and Johannes Hoseth is a Design Psychologist. Michael co-founded Tiba which helps people break habits and Johannes works with the behavioral design in Tiba to help individuals break habits. They share very concrete and easily implementable techniques on how to break and build habits.
- 1.40: Why habits are important
- 3.30: What habits consist of
- 6.00: How to work with habits
- 6.48: Simple way to break a habit or craving
- 7.35: Easy trick to eat less
- 9.00: The importance to stop and notice feelings when habits occur
- 10.54: The Marshmallow experiment
- 11.03: Is willpower a limited resource or not
- 14.30: One way to build habits
- 15:00: Building one or many habits at the same time
- 17.15: How long does it take to build a habit
- 19.00: Implementation strategies for habits
- 21.38: The power of reminders and ques for habits
- 23.00: Trick to watch less Television
- 27.10: The story behind Tiba. and how it works
- 32.00: How you can get involved in a habit study with Tiba.
- 34.05: Earlier study results from Tiba.
Links to selected resources:
- Breaking ‘bad habits’: a dynamical perspective on habit formation and change: https://www.rug.nl/staff/w.jager/jager_habits_chapter_2003.pdf
- The Neuroscience of Goals and Behavior Change: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29551879
- A Multilab Preregistered Replication of the Ego-Depletion Effect: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1745691616652873
Final recommendations from Michael and Johannes:
- Be curiously aware, take time to notice, and experiment
Links to Michael and Johannes:
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