#73: José Luis Cordeiro - Scientific Secrets to a Life of Eternal Youth
May 12, 2021
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Immortality is not just for Draculas and Vampires anymore. You can be young forever too (without any bloodsucking being involved!)
What if we told you that death could be ‘optional’ soon? That technology of the near future will let you reverse your age, and people can become eternally young again!
Sounds ridiculous? Well, this podcast will prove you wrong.
Over the last few years, Scientists have been able to double the life span of mice, 5x the life span of mosquitoes (stock up on mosquito repellents NOW), and 10x the life span of worms.
Such groundbreaking studies are finally showing up to the party that is our human world, and we’re already talking about the dawn of a post-human age!
For this very special podcast (we’re very excited, and you’ll soon see why), we bring to you the infamous José Luis Cordeiro himself.
Amongst a thousand other things, José is an Engineer, Futurist, and Transhumanist. He believes that Perpetual Life is a science-based church that is open to everyone.
In this podcast he’ll explain to us what Transhumanism means in the world of science, and how you can already start preparing for an immortal life, that could be a real possibility within just a couple of decades!
Show Notes:
0:30 Introduction to José Cordeiro
1:30 Immortality and rejuvenation technologies: A brief download
3:00 Bio Regeneration and eternal youth: Why should we want to live
4:47 Can we live forever? Technology, history, and recent
developments in the field of bio rejuvenation
7:15 The story of immortal cancer cells (and what they can tell us about
9:45 The Death of Death and Accessibility: Technological
advancements that will shape the future of cellular regeneration
and eternal living
17:15 Living long enough to live forever: Three scientific stages of
achieving immortality
19:45 The science behind immortality: Where do predictive numbers
and dates around rejuvenation technologies come from
21:55 Fight aging with the Methuselarity
24:20 TransVison: A Global Conference around Transhumanism
(Registration link at the end of notes)
26:45 Why do we need to practice a healthy lifestyle despite
advancements in rejuvenation technologies?
31:40 Potential consequences of cell rejuvenation on human
conscience, and how it can change our perception of looking at
risks and living
35:00 Living in the first wave of immortality: What can you do to aid
44:30 Using metformin for longevity
46:20 Where to find more on Jose Cordeiro
48:50 Keeping up with the latest in the world of transhumanism:
People to follow and look out for
52: 30 What the COVID-19 pandemic teaches us about Longevity
54:00 Jose's advice on living a healthy, happier life
Connect with José Corderio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/josecordeiro2019/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josecordeiro/
The Singularity is near- Ray Kurzweil
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