#93: Stella Grizont - Your job and your relation to it

career & education mental health performance personal development Oct 19, 2021

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Before you quit your job try to resolve your issues or else you’ll risk just carry your reasons for quitting over to the next job


Most have been through a stressful job that they didn’t appreciate for some reason, but Stella says to hold on a second before you leave, it could be wise to experiment a little and try to get what you are actually looking for. 


Stella Grizont is a pioneer when it comes to positive psychology, a student of Martin Seligman who is often called the father of positive psychology. Back when positive psychology was first making waves, Stella pursued that wave and was one of the first 150 students in the world to get a degree of Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.


She is the Founder and CEO of WOOPAAH that has been hailed for its programs in workplace culture design, engagement and well-being.


In the past 12 years, Stella has coached over 1,300 high performers in 17 countries. She is the Lead Coach & Facilitator at WOOPAAH, focusing on executives around the world to achieve greater impact, meaning, and satisfaction at work.


In this episode we discuss

👉 Why workplaces are her key focus area

👉 What to do before resigning from your job

👉 How to define success for you

👉 How to get in the zone and be your best self

👉 The power of gratitude

👉 And so much more!


If you're someone who’s about to quit your job or just someone interested in learning how to use positive psychology then this episode is for you.



1:05 Stella’s journey into positive psychology

5:54 Stella’s focus into workplaces and what to do before resignation

10:30 How to define success beyond money

17:00 Stella advice to get in the zone when you wake up and the power of meditation

22:16 Using gratitude during these times of lockdown and when you feel overwhelmed

27:25 What Stella does to get back on track

31:09 Where to find Stella Grizont


Connect with Stella Grizont


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stellagrizont/ 

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stellagrizont/ 





WOOPAAH Website: https://www.woopaah.com/ 

Work Happiness Method website: https://www.workhappinessmethod.com/ 

Stellas Email: [email protected] 

FREE vision generator tool: https://stellagrizont.mykajabi.com/visiongenerator 

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